How to write a letter that sells

Who is this Method for?

The mastery of advertising and the laws of written communication is essential for everyone in our century. Information is king... and it sells for a very high price.

If you want to start a business :

Why not a copywriting business? All you need is paper, a computer and “How to write a letter that sells”. It is a sought-after profession, which offers very good incomes.

But you may have another idea in mind. Mail order business? Selling on the internet? This method will allow you to sell a lot more, thanks to successful sales letters and ads. Other business? To publicize your products or services, to convince other people to help you, to energize your sales force or your resellers, “How to write a letter that sells” will be a precious, essential help for you. You will always find the answer, the idea, the solution you are looking for.

If you are already an entrepreneur:

Sell ​​more, find new outlets for your products. Make better use of your existing customer base. Know how to retain it, energize it... and bring in the regulations. Export, create new markets. Throughout the world, thousands of postmen and hundreds of millions of Internet connections are at your disposal to contact the right person. How to touch her, interest her and convince her? All the answers are in “How to write a letter that sells”.

If you are a merchant:

It is easy to build up a customer file from the names and addresses on checks and invoices. Then how do you attract them to your store? How to increase your turnover? How to sell all over France or even all over the world, without leaving your store? "How to write a letter that sells" offers you the answer to all these questions, and allows you to multiply by 10 each penny invested in an advertising action.

If you are an inventor or creator:

Get big companies interested in making and spreading what you do. Get the best terms. Prepare sales texts that will add considerable appeal to your product. Or even --why not? -- distribute it yourself directly via mail order or the internet. The key to all of this? Write good, catchy letters that ensure your success.

If you are in politics:

Do you know that the major American parties finance almost all of their campaigns through sales letters? They send out millions of messages that encourage voters to express their support in the form of donations, and promote their candidate at the same time. They weight with letters the themes that motivate and can then orient their campaign for sure.

Whether you are a candidate to become mayor, deputy or even better, good letters will be your best electoral agents. They will know how to touch at the right time, use the tone that carries conviction, inform and make people act.

If you take care of an association:

Whatever your project, or the work you take care of, do like "Doctors without borders", "The little brothers of the poor", "WWF", "Unicef" and all the works that work well: send letters that touch and which, by filling your coffers, allow you to spread good.

The works have become real mail-order businesses, and "How to write a letter that sells" gives you all the techniques that lead to success, whether it is to develop an existing work or association or to start from scratch. .

By writing good letters, you will also be able to create press campaigns, easily organize events, mobilize public opinion for your cause.

If you want to start a mail order business:

Both to judge the work done by your advertising agency or your copywriter... and to do it yourself successfully, "How to write a letter that sells" is an indispensable tool. He will avoid campaigns doomed in advance to failure. It will dramatically increase your returns, and therefore your cash flow and profits.

Summary of the method

Volume 1 - THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR LETTER and how to succeed

1 - How to get your letter read

  • How to avoid the wastebasket.
  • How to personalize your letter.
  • How to immediately interest your reader.
  • The 9 mistakes to avoid.
  • The different attention grabbing techniques, and how to use them.

80% of letters, ads and emails don't get results--simply because they're not read! This chapter will show you how to immediately grab the reader's attention and get them interested in your product or services.

2 - How to find the promises that work

  • What makes people act?
  • The Laws of Business Psychology.
  • The secret of products that succeed in motivating buyers.
  • How to arouse your reader's curiosity.

Find the deep reasons why your buyers are interested in what you offer, and then it will be easy for you to promise them what they want. It is still necessary to know the psychology of the purchase. This chapter will make you a psychologist of motivation and a strategist of desire.

3 - Your biggest enemy, and how to silence him

  • A test to measure your strength.
  • Examples of what to do and what to avoid.
  • A practical method to automatically measure the impact of your texts.

This chapter is vital. It reveals the very basis of copywriting. Apply it, and you will be sure to avoid failure. It's not a matter of skill or luck. Just a technique, extremely effective.

4 - Finally revealed: all the "tricks" for successful hooks

  • How to take the reader out of his worries and concerns.
  • The 5 formulas that have proven themselves.
  • The list of the best hooks - or "subjects" of emails - and how to inspire you.

Why reinvent the wheel? Thousands of writers have spent much of their lives looking for ways to get attention for sure. They found formulas. Learn them and apply them to your job: you will put all the chances of success on your side.

Volume 2 - HOW TO MAKE YOUR PROPOSAL IRRESISTIBLE - The secrets of champions

5 - 63 proven formulas to hook the reader

  • How to automatically create ad teasers.
  • Why do some hooks succeed and others fail?

Christian Godefroy has developed a technique to automatically create good hooks. This exclusive means is revealed to you here, with all the necessary sheets and tables.

6 - The surefire way to choose the best hook

  • How to develop tests that will allow you to double your yields.
  • What returns will you get?
  • The surefire way to find the best hook

The method described in this chapter will allow you, in most cases, to increase your yields by 20, 50 and even 100%.

7 - How to have high yields without effort

  • Know how to choose your proposal.
  • How to find the right price and get paid (the most effective methods and how to formulate them: trial, money-back guarantee, invoice, monthly payments, etc.).
  • Gifts (9 types of gifts).
  • Free offers. (They enabled industrial and commercial empires. Find out why).
  • Discounts. A very effective weapon, but to handle subtly. 10 skills.
  • Limited offers (5 ways to get your reader to act fast).
  • 4 original guarantees - 8 ways to increase the amount of the order - 5 tips to involve the reader -- 9 "club" offers -- 20 clever specialized offers.

This chapter alone will largely repay your investment: nearly 100 effective offers, a real encyclopedia of smart ways to present your service or product and make its purchase indispensable and urgent.

(I want to take this training as soon as possible)

8 - How to increase your results by another 20%

  • Ready-made ideas: the rules to follow to succeed

A weapon overlooked by most professionals. It will be an extraordinary "plus" in your action, and you will exceed thanks to it


9 - How to illustrate your text

  • Images that work.
  • Where to place your visual.
  • Ideas for getting impactful and cheap illustrations.

One more secret: companies spend thousands of francs on expensive and sometimes ineffective photos, when there are some available immediately, inexpensively, and ready to use!

10 - Hard-hitting arguments: how to get ideas

  • Where ideas come from, how to find them.
  • A technique for stimulation of the right hemisphere of the brain.
  • Training program.

Having ideas is within everyone's reach, when you know the new technique developed by Christian Godefroy, based on the work of an American researcher. You will save hours of work and reflection thanks to the ready-made forms provided to you.

11 - How to write a breathless first paragraph

  • 10 effective techniques.
  • Examples for each.
  • The best possible process.

If you don't keep your reader's attention from the very first seconds, he may skim over your text and lose interest. The first paragraph is essential. With this chapter, you will never again be "afraid of the blank page": one hundred and sixty-three examples support your inspiration and nourish it.

12 - 7 seasoned copywriters reveal their formula for writing a letter that sells

  • The success formulas of: Robert Collier - Henri Hoke - Bob Stone - Frank Egner -Jack Lacy - Vic Schwab - Bus Reed - Kenneth Goode.
  • "The Formula of Christian Godefroy". Unpublished.
  • The 10 commandments of the copywriter.

While perfecting a really good formula can take a lifetime, picking up a proven formula is immediate. Choose YOUR formula from among the best in the world-- and you are sure to succeed!

Volume 4 - HOW TO CONVINCE EVEN THE MOST SKEPTIC - and push the reader to action

13 - How to write your text

  • How to be read effortlessly.
  • How to be understood.
  • How to be remembered.

The study carried out in this chapter shows that all the major French copywriters follow the rules of readability to the letter. What are these rules? How to apply them? After doing the progressive exercises offered by Christian Godefroy, being readable will be second nature to you.

14 - How to keep your reader in suspense

  • The 17 methods.
  • How to alternate subtly.
  • Master the art of transition.

You think you know everything. But he remains the best. How to grab your reader's attention. Awaken his flame. Be thrilling. Everything is there, clear, precise. Immediately applicable. Exclusive and essential to allow the conclusion of the sale.

15 - 5 ways to convince the hesitant

  • The great art of proof.
  • How to be "likely"... and be believed.
  • The new techniques of conviction.

Today, the reader no longer allows himself to be “tricked” with big strings. He's suspicious. You need strong evidence to convince him. Where to find them? How to highlight them? How to create them? What to do when you have nothing? This chapter answers all the questions, and helps you find your evidence.

16 - Words that trigger immediate action

  • 53 impactful examples.

What good is a letter or publicity piece if you don't get your reader to ACT? ACTION is the keyword of this chapter. All the means of making a human being act by the simple power of words are reviewed, analyzed and detailed. Exploit this gold mine. Just read and use it.

Volume 5 - HOW TO DOUBLE YOUR YIELDS - The tips that make the difference

17 - The "boost" that will decide your prospect.

18 - What makes the controls go in?

19 - What to do when you've tried everything?

20 - The big secret of exceptional yields.

21 - How to write good reminders?

Volume 6 - WHAT TO DO TO LAST - Prospecting, computer

22 - How to find the right customers?

23 - How to make good letters?

    • "Business to Business" (Industry - Traditional trade...)

24 - Put IT to work for you.

25 - How to protect your work.

Do you know that the job of copywriter is one of the best paid in advertising?
A famous editor, who only wrote, was paid two million dollars a year. Without going that far, did you know that a simple letter can be worth more than 10,000 euros? In this part I show you how to find customers... and keep them.

You convinced me, I want to know more.

Volume 7 - HOW TO BE PART OF THE BEST - and secure your future

27 - How to work with others.

28 - The advanced techniques of professionals.

29- How to sell your letters, web pages and advertisements well.

30 - The red button, the key to success.



With this method, you will be operational from the reading of volume 3. In each volume, there are exclusive techniques, that professionals who sell $5,000 or $10,000 a single sales letter do not even know.

I have nothing to lose, I order

Some testimonials:

From: didier bertrand [mailto:didier-bertrand@l………….net]

Subject: your method of copywriting
Dear Christian,

When you were at the helm of Éditions Godefroy, I was
a loyal customer. And of course I was one of the first
to offer me your method "how to write a letter that sells".

I didn't know anything about copywriting before your method. Did I get rich reading it? Let's say I won very quickly
millions of cents thanks to you. But the most
fantastic is that I continue to earn millions (and I always make mistakes

But that's not all...

I now have many relations and friends
in the middle of mail order and publishing. I know big names in direct marketing, especially Americans (joe vitale, joe robson, yanick silver, ted nicolas (a friend of yours) and many more. Since I read "how to write a letter that sells" my success is only growing. At the moment I still write sales letters. I work for a publisher friend, but also for a friend who runs several companies in the field of direct marketing (Switzerland, Luxembourg, England). even invites me outside France - and all expenses paid - for my "talent" as a copywriter".
Your "how to write a letter that sells" method will never make me a bum. Especially since the future looks bright thanks to sales on the net. Copywriters still have a bright future! Anyone who wants to succeed tomorrow will not go wrong by acquiring your method "how to write a letter that sells".
Didier A. Bertrand

From: Serge SA [mailto:serge@l…………]

Dear Christian,
I bought your method "How to write a letter that sells" 20 years ago. At the time, this method was revolutionary and the only one on the market to reveal the secrets of American masters. I devoured it, read and re-read it. It allowed me to structure myself in my mailings and increase my yields by 5. Today, it still figures prominently in my library and is one of my most precious works.

Congratulations to you who have been able to inspire entrepreneurs like me by giving them the impetus essential to success in our difficult profession!

From: [mailto:……….fr]

To: Christian Godfrey
Subject: Testimony
I bought Christian Godefroy's method about 15 years ago. The chapter "How to be among the best" caught my attention and I tried to apply its secrets. Results: some of my mailings have been translated into 19 languages, including Chinese and Russian. One of them, for example, has been distributed to several million copies. Written in 1996, it brilliantly continues its career to this day. In bookstores, this is what is called, I believe, a Best Seller. I can say that this method "How to write a letter that sells" keeps its promises. It really allowed me to live very comfortably, while working... part-time! Thanks again to Christian Godefroy for sharing his secrets...

True and truthful certified testimony
Alain Michalak, France

From: mick.bimthlay [mailto:………en]

Subject: Mick's testimony


Hereby, I wanted to thank you and congratulate you for creating this famous letter "How To Write A Letter That Sells".

Many years ago I made this acquisition to launch a new product for industrial cleaning when I was CEO of an industrial cleaning company "Le Dauphin du Cleaning de France".
I had just adapted it for this prospecting and the impact had been exceptional; Certainly, my product was valid but your "How To Write A Letter That Sells" had made it possible to particularly attract the attention of my prospects and the repercussions were immediate.

The result of this financial success was of such magnitude thanks to this letter "How To Write A Letter That Sells", that I decided to use it for other prospecting because I was leading several businesses at the same time.

Whether for the sale of my industrial cleaning product or plastic bags for garbage cans and large surfaces or to present my supports concerning my other profession of dowser, which still exercises, I only had to congratulate myself on this good choice to have a certain day, acquired this wonderful letter "How To Write A Letter That Sells".

I still use it 2 to 3 times a year to follow up with customers.

If necessary, I authorize you to publish this present letter as is and with my signature.

Mick Bimthlay, CEO

I am convinced, I want to know all these formulas and more.