Be Applauded

Become a STAR of the
public speaking,
and be

listened, applauded, and  finally appreciated at your fair value

 are you afraid of being ridiculous? Is finding yourself with dozens of pairs of eyes looking at you an insurmountable ordeal?

If so, I have good news for you:

Public speaking isn't so terrifying
when you
know the "tricks"

Because as in any activity, there are secrets and techniques that are used by those who manage to ignite an audience with their words, and which can allow everyone, and therefore you, to do the same.

And on this page, you will discover:

How you can become a real public speaking "star" , even if you have never managed to give a decent speech or presentation until now.

Why knowing how to speak in public can easily and logically multiply your annual income by 2 or 3 ...

The techniques used by the greatest speakers to overcome your fear of public speaking once and for all

How to make your presentation or speech - whatever it is - powerful, impactful and persuasive

My name is Cyril Godefroy, and if I speak to you today about public speaking, it is because I KNOW what it feels like to be applauded standing by a crowd of 2000 people after a speech.

It has happened to me several times before, and I think I can say that there is nothing more exhilarating.

But this is not the most important.

Of course, being applauded out loud is a lot of fun, but there is something even more important and more "brilliant" when you know how to speak in public:

It gives you power over others that allows you to get almost anything out of life.

And if you are unlikely to find yourself in front of a crowd of more than 1000 people, you will have to speak in front of an audience one day or another.

Not necessarily for the sole purpose of making you applaud, but in any case to convince your audience, whether it is made up of one person or 200...

Because yes, even with one person, you are already dealing with a small audience, and sometimes, the success of your performance (even in front of 1 person) depends on your professional or personal future:

  • A recruiter , to find a position,
  • The head of HR or your company , to obtain a promotion, or a raise,
  • A woman to conquer,
  • A child to convince,
  • A policeman to coax,
  • A thug to reason,
  • A contract to be negotiated with a seller , or with a customer ...

Go around everything that happens in your life, and you will see that every day, you have to speak in front of people to convince, to act or to obtain something from someone.

Knowing how to speak well
in front of an audience can you
open doors
which, initially,
seemed impassable

And, best of all, it's a great way to advance in your career and expand your circle of acquaintances.

What is unfortunate is that you were never taught it at school, and that most books on the subject are not within everyone's reach.

You are taught to write, to read, but very few (if not any) courses really teach you to EXPRESS yourself in front of an audience.

The publication of " How to Become a Public Speaking Star " - An easy and practical guide to impressing your audience - can change your life:

Learn to speak in public to get by better
in your personal and professional life

I want my next presentation
in front of a group be a success

This guide addresses the subject in a very practical way and gives you techniques that are easy to apply immediately.

This will give you the opportunity to build and deliver a speech or presentation from A to Z, just like professional speakers and lecturers do.

This guide will not only help you prepare for your next presentation and gradually improve in every one that follows, but also help you write and deliver engaging, clear, and persuasive presentations.

It also answers questions and fears a beginning speaker may have.

You will also find in this guide examples of past experiences of speakers. You will see how these speeches led the person who delivered them to success.

A guide that explains everything from A to Z
on public speaking

This guide walks you through the process so you can build, prepare, and deliver your presentation in front of a group of any size.

Because a presentation in front of an audience is always constructed and organized in the same way, according to a very precise process.

At the origin of your presentation, there is often a demand that we had not necessarily wanted or planned.

It is in your work that this happens most frequently, and it is often your superior who asks you for it.

It must have happened to you before, right? If that's not the case yet, don't worry, it won't be long.

You are told, for example: " Cyril, you will present this new product to the whole team next Monday! ". Or " Jeanne, you will report on the meeting in front of all your colleagues on Friday at 1 p.m ."...

You have one week to prepare, and the success of your performance will determine your future in this company .

The problem is that you have no idea what to say at all, and the very idea of ​​speaking in front of a group terrifies you in ways you never imagined.

Do not panic !

You now have a guide at your fingertips that makes it easy to get away with whatever presentation you have to make, and whatever the size of your audience.

Here's how this guide will help you become a public speaking star.

The keys to prepare
to achieve a perfect presentation,
even if you start

If you've never had to present anything in front of an audience, then this guide will give you some secrets the pros use to make your first presentation a success .

Because when you start in this kind of activity, there are a host of little "tricks" that you must know, which will save you many mistakes and unnecessary stress.

Among other things, you will discover:

  • A simple and extremely effective method to correct your oral defects almost instantly. PAGE 12
  • A " royal road " to make considerable progress in the field of public speaking. PAGE 12
  • The 9 essential rules to follow imperatively to succeed in any presentation in front of a group of people. PAGE 13
  • The best tips for effectively preparing to speak in front of an audience. PAGE 13
  • The 2 things you need to know about your audience BEFORE preparing your speech. PAGE 13
  • The secret of the pros to make their presentations relevant and interesting . PAGE 13
  • The 7 fundamental principles of a good speech that you absolutely must remember. PAGE 14

You will also learn that there are 6 characteristics that you absolutely must know and therefore research on your audience, whatever their size, before speaking to them.

Many people don't bother to ask about these 6 basic points before preparing their speech. As a result, the performance is poorly perceived by the audience. Worse, there are people who no longer listen, yawn, argue, or who get up and leave, while you are still talking!

If you do not want this to happen to you one day (I assure you that it is very unpleasant!) then this advice will be of inestimable help to you. You will find it on page 14:

I want my next presentation
in front of a group be a success

Once you've laid the groundwork for your presentation, it's time to tackle the biggest hurdle of speaking in public:

How to defeat your
fear of speaking in public

If you have ever had to prepare a speech or a presentation, then you must know this feeling and its symptoms:

A permanent lump in the back of the throat, bad nights, stiffness in the neck or back, itchy eyes, sweaty hands...

In short, all the paraphernalia of the person stressed and anxious at the idea of ​​finding themselves in front of a group of people to talk to them.

It is something that we experience more and more violently, as the D-day approaches. We begin to ask ourselves questions that make the heart ache.

For example: Will the audience like me? Am I going to lose my words at the start of the presentation? Am I well prepared?

If this happens to you and you're feeling stressed about your next presentation, " How to Become a Public Speaking Star " will reveal:

  • The "recipes" of the best to overcome the fear of speaking in public! PAGE 24
  • How the best speakers view fear - and how they get rid of it. PAGE 25
  • The explosive technique used by athletes to overcome fear before a big competition. PAGE 25
  • What psychologists teach you about fear – and how to make it a powerful ally. PAGE 26
  • 4 simple and powerful ways to stop being afraid of your listeners – or anything else. PAGE 27

I want my next presentation
in front of a group be a success

But learning to be more Zen first is only part of the way. Indeed, once the big day has arrived, it's all about showing your audience how confident and confident you can be.

How to grow and keep
unshakeable self-confidence

Indeed, confidence develops a positive image while anxiety does the opposite.

When we speak, we communicate in 3 different ways: verbally, visually and vocally.

Your delivery may be clear and well organized, but if you are nervous, your audience will only remember your signs of anxiety (lack of eye contact, poor posture, hesitation, stressed voice, etc.).

On the other hand, if you come across as someone who is confident in themselves, you will be much more believable .

Chapter 4 of your guide " How to become the star of public speaking " will give you the best tips to overcome your stage fright:

You will learn for example:

  • How to instantly project an ultra-positive image of yourself. PAGE 18
  • The most effective techniques to reduce your nervousness . PAGE 19
  • The 6 most common causes of stage fright - and how to easily avoid them. PAGE 19
  • How to turn your nervousness into a punch . PAGE 20
  • The 7 Best Ways to Dramatically Reduce – If Not Eliminate – Your Public Speaking Stage Fright! PAGE 20
  • There is a "magical" gesture well known to great speakers, to do just before the start of a presentation, to eliminate all traces of anxiety . Find out on PAGE 22!
  • Introductions that relax the atmosphere . The ones used by the pros. PAGE 22
  • The “trick” of specialists to never forget their main arguments! PAGE 23
  • How to approach an audience hostile to your ideas while remaining in control. PAGE 27
  • The one thing you should always keep in mind when speaking in public that boosts your self-confidence . PAGE 28

I want my next presentation
in front of a group be a success

Many presenters carefully choose their subject and seek reliable information, but do not know how to enthuse their audience.

In general, this failure comes from a lack of organization and preparation.

How to prepare and organize
an unforgettable presentation

Indeed, it is not enough to have an unfailing charisma to necessarily succeed in a speech that will ignite the crowds and make you look like a star in the eyes of those who listen to you.

To put it another way, anyone living on this planet is capable of delivering a successful presentation if it has been carefully prepared following the techniques employed by the best.

This guide reveals these techniques to you, and gives you the keys to preparing and organizing an unforgettable presentation.

It will also save you from big mistakes to never make when preparing your speech.

Some of these errors are the cause of many fiascos . Take for example the one discussed on page 16 of this guide.

Dale Carnegie, one of the great masters of public speaking, recounts, about this error, what happened to Vance Bushnell, then vice-president of one of the largest insurance companies in the world, who once had to give a 20-minute conference in front of nearly 2,000 representatives of his company...

He began his speech with these 6 words: " My role in this program is... "

He stopped himself. Blackout. Impossible to continue, he had forgotten everything!

In his confusion, he took two steps back, and tried to start again. But it was a waste of time! So he took another 2 steps back, and started again. This ride was repeated 3 times.

The platform was 1.20 meters high, there was no balustrade at the bottom, and a free space of 1.50 meters separated the platform from the wall.

Also, the 4th time he backed up, he tumbled and disappeared. The audience was shaken by a huge peal of laughter . One of the spectators even fell out of his chair. Never, in the company's memory, had we witnessed such a spectacle!

But for the speaker, it was the most painful moment of his life. And he was so humiliated that he resigned. His superiors convinced him to withdraw it, and he subsequently became an excellent speaker.

But never again did he make that fatal mistake that you will discover on page 16 of this guide.

OK, I want to know the mistakes not to make during a speech

Just as you might like to follow these few tips to prepare a presentation that people will remember for a lifetime:

  • The 9 fundamental elements to prepare a speech. PAGE 29
  • 4 "tricks" from specialists for choosing the subjects of their presentation - and never make a mistake. PAGE 30
  • The 4 steps you absolutely must follow to ensure you give memorable and exciting presentations. PAGE 31
  • What you need to do if the purpose of your presentation is to inform . PAGE 33
  • The essential characteristics of speeches whose aim is to convince . PAGE 34
  • What to do if you want your speech to be entertaining . PAGE 35
  • What you should always keep in mind when giving a presentation to persuade an audience . PAGE 37
  • The 4 essential questions to ask yourself before your speech. PAGE 38
  • What you should NEVER do during a speech. PAGE 39
  • How to keep your audience captivated from start to finish with your presentation. PAGE 40
  • 6 great ways to grab an audience's attention in seconds – and tape it to your lips. PAGE 40
  • The 3 characteristics of the best introductions - and how to inspire you. PAGE 42
  • The 4 most effective ways to make your arguments powerful and easy to remember ! PAGE 42
  • The maximum number of arguments to use during a speech - otherwise no one will remember. PAGE 42
  • The 6 best techniques to end a speech and make it unforgettable for your audience. PAGE 43
  • How to encourage your audience to participate in your presentations. PAGE 49
  • The “trick” that immediately adds credibility to your speech. PAGE 50
  • What you absolutely must do to make it easier for your listeners to take notes. PAGE 51

I want my next presentation
in front of a group be a success

After all these preparations, you will finally present yourself to your audience.

You may have spent days or weeks analyzing your audience, choosing your arguments, organizing and rehearsing your speech.

You have learned to manage stress, you have made an ally of your stage fright, you know your subject like the back of your hand.

OKAY ! You are ready for this final step.

All you have to do is take care of one big thing: Your image.

Develop and maintain the element
the most important part of your presentation

This is a crucial element because it is ultimately you, more than your speech, that will impress your audience, for good or for bad.

A few months ago, I attended a presentation following the receipt of a wonderful brochure that really made my mouth water.

A person, director of one of the largest coaching companies for business leaders in France, came to give a conference on the formidable power of color in communication , both personal and professional.

I expected a breathtaking show, because the subject fascinates me, and to believe the "CV" and the references of this person (on his brochure) there is no doubt that she seemed to be the best specialist in the subject.

D-Day arrives.

180 people had made the trip to see THE specialist, and having discussed a little before with other participants, my enthusiasm was far from being an isolated case.

Yes but here it is. In the end, the person arrived, and our enthusiasm ended up far away in the depth of our too comfortable armchairs:

Bad microphone, too weak a voice , insecure gestures , a posture that reflected nervousness and poorly controlled anxiety , a face glistening with sweat , 90% of the time spent reading a video projector screen ...

A complete fiasco! Finally crowned with a memorable question and answer session where I even saw a spectator get up and leave the room after an aggressive and inappropriate response from the speaker.

In summary, none of the 180 participants found anything positive in this presentation, which promised to be exciting.

Morality: You can talk about the most interesting thing in the world, if you don't take care of your image, your voice and all the elements that go around your presentation, then it will be a failure.

And yet, when you KNOW what to do, you will find that it is very easy to manage this part of your presentation.

And in this area, the guide " How to Become the Star of Public Speaking " will allow you to prepare yourself in the best possible way.

You will indeed discover how to give an ideal image of yourself for your presentation, and which material and environmental elements are essential (some will surprise you).

For example :

  • The secret of Patrick Poivre d'Arvor which allowed him to be at the top of the audience in Europe for several years. PAGE 51
  • How to make an immediate “good impression” on an audience. PAGE 52
  • How to choose your clothes to give a speech – the way to never go wrong. PAGE 52
  • 5 things to never forget when you perform for the first time in front of an audience - and you will make an impression. PAGE 52
  • How do successful presenters behave? A tip on the posture of winners . PAGE 52
  • How to use your body to support certain ideas – or arouse interest. PAGE 52
  • The gestures of communication superstars - and how to inspire yourself. PAGE 53
  • The way the best speakers always look at their audience - do the same and you will be successful. PAGE 53
  • The 6 key questions to ask yourself imperatively to improve your “stage acting” and become a successful speaker. PAGE 53
  • The 4 characteristics of your voice that you need to be very careful about --- or your audience will quickly be distracted! PAGE 54
  • An excellent "trick" to separate your arguments, create a suspense effect or insist on an idea! PAGE 55
  • Terms that irritate listeners and that you should banish from your speeches. PAGE 56
  • The 5 essential characteristics of the words you use --- a rule you should never deviate from! PAGE 56
  • The 6 things to remember if you have to read a handwritten speech – for a solemn occasion for example! PAGE 58
  • The type of speech you should never use in public - they always lack spontaneity and naturalness! PAGE 58
  • The 16 Steps to Effective Presentation Training - What the Best Do! PAGE 59
  • How do you keep a cool head if you mess up in the middle of a speech? PAGE 61
  • The 11 secrets of the champions of the speech so that you are never again destabilized by the questions of your audience! PAGE 61
  • A specialist "trick" to use when you don't know the answer to a question from your audience. Never again will you fear being ridiculous without knowing what to answer. PAGE 62
  • What you absolutely must avoid in front of a hostile audience - or you might know hell! PAGE 62

I want my next presentation
in front of a group be a success

But you will also learn to :

  • choose a good microphone (if necessary),

  • how to organize the room to be more efficient according to the number of your listeners,

  • how to choose your video equipment ,

  • how to take care of your visual aids so that they "help" you rather than harm you,

  • and a host of other tips, used by public speaking professionals to make all your presentations successful.

And to complete this already very complete guide, you will also receive PrompterPRO, an exclusive prompter software, like the one used by television presenters or Barack OBAMA to never stutter:

Prompter PRO, easy to use, will save you from "memory lapses"
and works on any computer

A teleprompter is like an attendant. It saves you memory lapses, and prevents you from stumbling over a sentence or a word.

This software, which can be used on all PCs or Macs, has everything you need so that you can use it anywhere with a simple laptop computer.

Text size, background color, scrolling speed... you give it what you want, and it transforms your computer screen into the most efficient assistant for your presentation.

You can use it to make a presentation, but also to make a video, on the Internet or elsewhere, or to record a speech or an audio book.

Its use is very simple:

1) Choose the text you want to read

2) Paste it in the main window

3) Adjust letter size, font and background color or leave preset optimal settings,

4) Press "Go!" and your text scrolls across the screen.

You can stop scrolling whenever you want with the press of a single key, making it an interactive tool that will effectively accompany you in all your presentations.

  • No more loose sheets and index cards that you have to turn and replace as you speak!
  • No more long sheets to follow as best you can, when it's already hard to concentrate on what you're saying.
  • No more memory lapses, word errors , loss of wires, all those little hassles that poison the speaker's life throughout his speech.

A professional teleprompter of this kind usually costs a good hundred euros, and this one, exclusive, is offered to you with the guide " How to become the STAR of public speaking ".

OKAY ! I want to benefit from this software in addition to the guide

You can get this program (the guide + the software) for 49 € , a paltry fraction of what companies generally pay to train their leaders and managers in public speaking.

This is the shortest path to success for your next presentation and the ones that follow. What's more, you take no risk .

Indeed, I am so convinced that this guide and its teleprompter are the best tool to ensure that your next presentations are successful, that I offer you an exceptional guarantee of a full year:

Here's how it works:

For all the next presentations or speeches you have to give within 365 days, you follow the tips and techniques of " How to become a public speaking star " step by step, use the "tips" and "tricks" of the public speaking professionals.

The "PrompterPRO" software accompanies you, and you notice that your presentations are more and more professional, and more and more appreciated.

If, in 365 days, you feel that these techniques, used successfully by renowned speakers for years, do not work for you, you write to me, and I will refund you in full what you have paid.

Admit that it is quite rare to be able to benefit from such an education without taking the slightest financial risk?!

OK, I understood: Without taking the slightest risk,
I want my next presentation
and the following are successes

I do not think it is currently possible to find such a complete and effective training for a price as low as 49 euros.

Most public speaking training courses cost around $200 a day , and don't quite have all the secrets in this guide.

Add to that the enormous advantage of having a teleprompter at your disposal, as TV presenters and politicians have, and your next presentation or speech will be a success.

Instead of trembling at the idea of ​​being judged or ridiculed, you will be applauded, admired and recognized.

Don't miss this opportunity.

Cyril Godefroy

PS: I have a gift for you , if you hurry.

We live in an era where the means of communication are constantly evolving thanks to technology.

This is the era of the laptop, of mobile messaging, of the cell phone, and today we can work and communicate on the plane, on the train and even while driving in the car…

With all these new facilities, we have to be reachable almost at all times, especially as more and more cases are settled by telephone.

It is therefore essential to know the mistakes not to make and the secrets to make you more efficient during your telephone communications.

And in this regard, I was able to obtain a confidential file which reveals 51 tips from professionals to optimize your communication on the telephone :

51 tips to get the most profit
of your telephone calls

I have decided to offer this dossier to the first 100 people who will order the " How to Become the Star of Public Speech " program.

It is indeed an excellent complement that will allow you to improve the quality of your telephone communications, which are "mini" speeches with a "distant audience".

You will learn a host of clear and easy-to-remember tips, such as:

  • The 4 basic techniques to apply to your voice, to have more impact on the phone. page 6
  • The secret to making your voice warmer and more engaging . page 7
  • 5 effective ways to hook your interlocutor on the phone. page 8
  • The 8 specific rules for winning any market using a mobile phone. page 10
  • 3 powerful techniques to effectively manage an irritated interlocutor. page 12
  • The 9 things you absolutely need to check for a successful conference call . page 13
  • The 2 words you must NEVER use on the phone, or failure is guaranteed. Page 14
  • The "magic" method for your interlocutor to remember you long after you have hung up. page 15

I take this opportunity today!
Send me this gift with my guide and its software

PPS: I told you about a business presentation above, but there are still dozens of other situations where you can follow the advice of this guide.

If you are a student , for example, and you will have to present a project to a jury to enter a Grande Ecole, or defend a thesis at the end of your studies.

If you are looking for a job , too. A job interview is an example where all your qualities and all the tips for preparing and managing your anxiety and your image will allow you to make a difference with other candidates.

Indeed, during a recruitment, if the final choice is between two candidates with more or less similar skills, the company will always choose the one who knows best how to express himself in front of an audience .

If you have to invite someone of the opposite sex on a date, these tips will also help you to make the evening more interesting, and to sweep away once and for all the fears you may have of not being interested in them. We like people who know how to lead a conversation. So why deprive yourself of it?

During family reunions , if you have to make a speech, for a wedding, or for a baptism, during a trial, a meeting of tenants or co-owners, a strike, in the event of an accident , Or other...

If you are a salesperson or a seller , and if you have to sell any product, then the advice in this guide will be of infinite use to you. You will learn to take care of your image, to organize your ideas so that they are understood, you will know how to dress, how to hold yourself to inspire confidence!

Ditto if you want to negotiate a price reduction with a seller of real estate , or even smooth things over with a fussy neighbor , impose your point of view in a meeting of co -owners, negotiate deadlines with suppliers , or with bankers .. .

Yes ! There are many situations that require speaking up. And whether you do it in front of 1 or 200 people, this guide earns you points from everyone you talk to.

I want my next presentation
in front of a group be a success

PPPS: One last point about your income .

Public speaking is THE most important factor in your professional success .

And especially from a financial point of view!

Indeed, the more successful presentations you make in a company, the faster you evolve . At all times, the greatest attention has always been paid to those who knew how to communicate easily.

It is therefore not surprising to see people earning 2 to 3 times more than before, because knowing how to speak easily in public has opened the doors for them to evolve within their own company.

And don't be surprised if after several successful presentations, people naturally come to you to offer you better paid positions.

As I told you previously, once you are better appreciated in a society, as if by chance, the doors open by themselves.

I want to put all the chances of
earn a better salary on my side

The Power of Audio Persuasion

Our brain is very easily influenced.

Seductive images, remarks from those around us, advertisements influence us without our knowledge.

How can you use this power for YOUR benefit to develop your memory?

The How to Become a Public Speaking STAR program features 12 professionally-spoken audio support sessions .

You can listen to them on your computer, your MP3 player, your smartphone or on audio CDs.

Every sentence will stick in your mind, and instead of reading -- and forgetting, you'll listen, and it will stick in your mind.

And what is in your mind turns into action, so you will be able to better assimilate the tips and tricks that will allow you to acquire the right reflexes to speak easily and effectively in public.

I want my next presentation
in front of a group be a success

Learn to speak in public to get by better
in your personal and professional life