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Secrets of Attraction - audiobook

Secrets of Attraction - audiobook

de Christian H. Godefroy

Regular price $30.00 USD
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"All the powers of the universe are already within you. It is you who have covered your eyes with your hands. You complain that it is dark. Know that around you there is no darkness. Remove your hands from your eyes and the light will appear, which has been there from all eternity."

House, luxury car, money, love, relationships, hidden knowledge...

How can you achieve this too?

Start by flushing out the forces that are "pulling you back".

"Transform your brain
into a super strong magnet"

"Money can not buy happiness"
"Everything comes to those who wait"
"The rich are all dishonest"
"Success has become impossible with this crisis"

Haven't you heard these reflections dozens of times?


1. Money can bring happiness - in any case largely contribute to it -.
In our society, what is certain is that the lack of money does not make you really happy... and that if you think that money is "dirty", you will avoid it, repel it unconsciously !

2. You can wait for a promotion...the partner of your dreams...the jackpot...ALL YOUR LIFE and receive nothing. If you do not know how to mobilize the secret forces of Attraction, not only does all this not come to you, but you repel it!!!

3. There are certainly dishonest rich people. And there would be no poor dishonest? Honesty has NOTHING to do with wealth or poverty. This story of the systematic dishonesty of the rich is an excuse invented by those who are not rich to justify their failures or their immobility. You can be rich AND honest.

4. Immerse yourself in history. Crises are opportunities . There are, as you read this, thousands of people getting richer beyond their wildest dreams -- despite the crisis. You'll see why in a moment.

From your earliest childhood, people around you have put ideas of this kind in your head to "protect" you.

But I ask you: are these people rich? Happy? Loved? Are they the proof of what they advise you? I bet not.

The ideas they have planted in your subconscious limit what you can accomplish .

These ideas are like weed seeds in the garden of your mind. Just one is enough for them to grow, choke and kill your most beautiful flowers.

You have to know how to pull them out as soon as possible.

Secrets of Attraction will do that for you. You will be safe from these bad seeds. They will no longer be able to limit or harm you.

Wanting is not enough

It is not enough to want the man or the woman of your dreams to meet them.

It is not enough to want to be rich to become one. Otherwise you would have been a long time ago!

There are secrets .

To magically attract what you long for: car, house, success, love etc., there are 12 secrets . These 12 secrets turn your brain into a super-powerful magnet that draws whatever you mentally command to you.

They are known to those to whom everything succeeds. But most are carefully hidden from the general public and only revealed to a few insiders.

Do you want to know these secrets? - Ask yourself these 3 questions:

  • Does something pull you back every time you think you're successful?
  • Are you tired of working hard - and continuing to "row"?
  • Do you know what you want but don't see it materialize in your life?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, the 12 Secrets of Attraction will transform your life.

Why ?

You may have seen an electromagnet before. Pass the current in one direction, and it repels the other magnets. Change the direction of the current, and it attracts them!!!

Your brain is a giant magnet, using secret forces to attract what you desire - or repel it.

What are
these "Secret Forces"?

The subconscious part of your brain, when magnetized the right way, can auto-ma-ti-cally tune into secret, almost supernatural forces.

The Secret Forces of Ideas

Are you looking for the idea that will make you rich? Or the idea of ​​a solution to a pressing problem? Or the inspiration for a successful novel, for a musical or artistic work?

Take Joanne K. Rowling, for example. In 1994, she suffered from a nervous breakdown and wanted to commit suicide. She lived on public assistance, and had no more hope. In 2009, she is richer than the Queen of England, smashed all sales records by selling 11 million books in 24 hours... thanks to her "Harry Potter" series.

Where did his inspiration come from?

- Of the secret forces of Ideas.

All the ideas in the world will be yours when you know the secret to accessing them. Never again, whether in conversation, facing a blank sheet of paper or in front of an attentive audience, will you be "dry", out of ideas.

What will bring you
the "Secrets of Attraction"?

Here are some examples of what you will discover:

  • The 3 ideas that will make you the one and only master of your destiny. Do not allow your future to be dictated by circumstances or by others! (Audio #3)
  • The secret to permanently stop underestimating yourself, and fully appreciate your personal value. Replace doubt and fears with certainty, an invincible inner personal strength (Audio #9).
  • How to be part of the group of those who take control of their life - instead of being subjected to it. Stop waiting passively - place mental commands! (Audio #6)
  • How to use your emotions as a "turbo" that multiplies your energy to make it an infinite source of profits. In 1/10th of a second, turn a depressing thought into creative thought, anger into money, fear into serenity and inner confidence (Audio #8).
  • The little-known secret to moving much faster than those around you. It takes time to succeed, doesn't it? - FAKE! Don't let yourself be hypnotized by these misconceptions that are holding you back. Suddenly see the shortcuts, the tricks, the immediate and easy solutions that were reaching out to you --- but that you couldn't see before "The Secrets of Attraction" (Audio n° 10).
  • What you need to do immediately when a deep desire comes to mind - and your chances of attracting it into your life will be 100 times greater. "The Secrets of Attraction" shows you what to do and how to do it, without boring theory or bla-bla. It's concrete, practical (Audio n°10).
  • How to materialize more money into your life -- easily.
    There are always 2 ways to get something. One in effort and difficulty, the other in ease, speed, in a "miraculous" way. "The Secrets of Attraction" gives you access to the second, almost instantly (Audio n° 7).
  • The "jinx" is not a fatality. It finds its source in the poisonous ideas that repel what you most desire in the world. Discover the secret of the "lucky catcher", and free yourself from all bad luck (Audio n° 6).
  • The behavior that "it is urgent to get rid of (see how) if you want to attract everything you want in your life".
    You will see with surprise that it is the opposite of what you want to do (Audio n° 6)
  • The secret to making a dream that seems "too good to be true" finally come true. You impose limits on yourself. Limits are imposed on you. "The limits of our achievements of tomorrow are (...) of today" said Franklin Roosevelt. See how to get rid of it permanently (Audio #11)
  • How to Get Out of a Negative Situation You Can't Get Out of --- Amazing Results! It's easy and almost instantaneous . You Won't Believe Your Eyes (Audio #8)
  • The secret to moving from ordinary work to exciting – and rewarding – work. If you happen to be bored in your job, to put off thankless tasks until tomorrow, you will love this secret (Audio n° 9)

You have 365 days to experience these benefits in your daily life. If for any reason you feel you did not get what you paid for, if you did not get back 100 times more than your investment, at any time ask for your 100% refund.

Don't say "yes",
say "maybe"

I'm not asking you to take my word for it. I know that "The Secrets of Attraction" is such a strong promise that it may seem exaggerated until you experience it in your daily life.

I just ask you to try .

1. You take no risks.

2. I can be wrong, OK But what if I was, like thousands of initiates before me, right? Put off till tomorrow, and you'll hate yourself one day for not trying.

3. Everything has been done for your comfort. You will have a written transcription in the form of ebooks of all the recordings. The suggestive power of my voice will help you gradually transform yourself from within.

YES, I too want to know the Secrets of Attraction

I want:

  • To feel a freedom that I have never known before.
  • To feel "good" permanently.
  • To see opportunities, new opportunities, creative solutions available to me every day.
  • To see that problems, conflicts, worries almost completely disappear from my life.
  • Dictate my future. My repeated successes will give me the confidence and self-confidence that lead to success.
  • That my work becomes a game. No longer having the painful impression of "working" but of always bringing more to others.
  • May all the best that life has to offer be mine.
  • May the entire universe conspire to make my wishes come true, often in very amazing ways!

✓ So I'm ordering you the audio program "The Secrets of Attraction".

✓ I will receive:

  • 12 audios recorded by Christian Godefroy in mp3 format
  • The transcription in 12 ebooks pdf

  • 2 gifts if I respond within 48 hours: 1. "How to Overcome Failure and Achieve Success" by Napoleon Hill. 2. “How You Become a Man” by Benjamin Franklin. These gifts in pdf format are free and final. Even if I get reimbursed, I keep them.

I understand that I must pay for this program before receiving it and that I have a full money back guarantee if I do not obtain 100% of the results promised:

either you are totally satisfied - or you get your money back - in full, and you keep the gifts. You have 365 days to form an opinion and see results in your life.

You can also find this program in audiobook version only on

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