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The Practical Guide for Leaders - paper

The Practical Guide for Leaders - paper

de Robert Patton

Regular price $12.00 USD
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What is Leadership? How do some individuals inspire entire crowds? Where do they find the strength and the discipline to stick to their ideal?

And you, do you really have leadership skills?

Do you recognize yourself in one or more of the following situations?

  • your professional career is blocked because your hierarchy underestimates you when you have the qualities to obtain the promotion you have dreamed of for years,
  • you lack the confidence to take matters into your own hands when you encounter certain difficulties when you nevertheless have good ideas that others “snatch” you and take glory from them,
  • you are unable to convince your customers or suppliers to trust you,
  • you feel that you are worth more and that you deserve better than your income or your social position, but you give up, telling yourself that you are not really to be pitied,
  • you attach the greatest importance to the education of your child but you experience all the difficulties in the world to keep him on the right path,

If you recognize yourself in one or more of the statements above, it is absolutely necessary for you to develop your Leadership skills to finally be totally fulfilled and happy.

In “The Practical Guide to Leaders” – a course specially designed to go to the essentials and maximize your results – you will discover with pleasure that it is not necessary to upset your behavior or demonstrate an iron discipline worthy of the army to become an inspiring, respected and loved leader.

In fact, you should know that there are exactly 4 leadership styles. The Practical Guide to Leaders will reveal which one naturally suits your personality best and how to unleash that incredible potential that is already within you. Once you have determined which leadership style is comfortable for you, all you need to do is learn the rest of the method.

Aren't you the type to let yourself be walked on? You manage your life masterfully, you know what you want and how to get it?

So you also know that you can never know enough about leadership. This program develops the 9 essential qualities that form the power base of today's greatest leaders. And you already know it, it's like for a cooking recipe: if a single ingredient is missing, the whole result is spoiled. As a result, if only one of the 9 qualities mentioned in The Secret Guide to Leaders is missing or is not developed to its full potential, your entire success is at risk.

Whether it's leading a group of people (to throw a surprise party, in a team sport, as part of your job or to start a project that is close to your heart), to get something from a supplier or customer, to better manage the education of a child or to lead your life as you see fit, Leadership is an ESSENTIAL quality that you cannot do without.

Someone who has no ascendancy over others has NO hope of succeeding in modern life. All the situations you encounter on a daily basis require leadership qualities!

Not convinced? See these examples:

– If you are attending a parent-teacher meeting and want to talk to a particular teacher, you need leadership!
– If you are applying for a job or want a raise, you need leadership!
– If you play a team sport, you need leadership! If you practice an individual sport, you ALSO need leadership (but vis-à-vis yourself this time!),
– If you want to obtain a better price or better conditions from a seller, a supplier or a customer… You need leadership!
– If you find yourself postponing your dreams and the goals you hold so dear, you need leadership!

What is the Practical Guide for Leaders?

It is a course in 3 parts and 10 chapters specially designed to take you by the hand. It will open your eyes to what leadership really is.

You will know how to become a true leader with ease and in every aspect of your daily life.

In the 1st part -Daily Leadership-, you will discover that the simplest actions, the most banal situations of everyday life are magnificent excuses and opportunities to develop your leadership skills in the comfort of your habits!

In the second part of the guide, you will discover the secrets of good communication capable of influencing others. As you know, the leader communicates extremely well (perhaps the best example being Martin Luther King's speech: I Have a Dream!).

The last part of the guide is devoted to the future of the modern leader. You should know that what was true about leadership 50, 30 or even 10 years ago is not true today. It is therefore CRUCIAL that you know how things will soon evolve in order to adapt your leadership in the years to come.

So here is what will happen to you after carefully studying and putting into practice the secrets of the “Practical Guide for Leaders”:

1) you will know the secrets of leadership held by a handful of men and women,
2) your leader personality will become magnetic and attract all the right circumstances necessary for your development,
3) your professional position will improve surprisingly -and your income too!-,
4) a few months will be enough to witness the change in the way people look at you -and this goes for your children and your partner!-,
5) you will feel the exquisite exhilaration of leaders: you will know where you want to go, how to get there and what to do every day to get there!

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