How to decipher body language

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time you this explosive message...
If you are told the truth...
Or If We Lie To You »
W hat I am about to reveal to you may surprise you.
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you could guess other people's emotions and feelings?
A woman is sitting across from you, and you can tell how she feels about you .
You ask yourself: is my child telling me the truth?
You want to buy a house or a car.
How do you know if the seller is hiding something important from you?
No, you're not dreaming ! It is possible to have direct access to the unconscious of the people around you. And this with much more reliability than telepathy or any other paranormal science .
You don't need to have any gift.
Just apply the method based on the latest research in psychology on behavioral science, that's all.
You don't have to believe it .
With most psychic sciences or personal development, you really have to believe for the effect to occur. With body language, you don't need conviction for it to work, you just have to look at the other person.
You don't have to be a psychologist .
Just a bit of memory to remember certain gestures and read the unconscious of those around you.
Imagine that you have instead of your eyes, "X" rays that would see through the human soul. You would have considerable influence over those around you.
Among other things, you could:
Find out if your employer is not making you false promises. In this way, you will avoid wasting time and money in a dead end career.
Become the top salesperson in your business with accolades from your boss.
Look for another job and claim social recognition that will be admired by those around you.
Guess if your spouse is really sincere with you by a simple look.
Read like an open book people of the opposite sex.
Instead of being manipulated yourself, manipulate recruiters during a job interview
Know the true intentions of your friends, family, partners, customers etc.
Yes ! all this is possible and much more…
The body never deceives, it betrays !With this book, you will become an expert in identifying various emotions or feelings such as:
the doubt
All this, without saying a word, simply by being an observer .
But the benefits don't stop there...
Michael Curtis' new Practical Guide, "How to Decipher Body Language", also shows you how, by simple gestures or postures, you can obtain certain personality traits that you lack .
You will be able to influence the subconscious of people to your advantage.
If, for example, you suffer from a lack of self-confidence and verbal communication is not your forte: you don't dare to start a conversation, your throat tightens, you stammer without the other person really understanding you.
So, use your body to express yourself, and it is the others who will come to you through the magnetism that you release.
Why do some people have what is called charisma, without even opening their mouths?
Have you ever noticed that people who "impress" just by their presence have postures and expressions that inspire confidence?
Imagine: if you had the opportunity to know the body techniques that you could use instantly and at any time to become "the" person you want to have as a friend or spouse?
You want to know more, don't you?
Well, I offer you the opportunity to make real changes in your life.
You will regret not having read this Practical Guide sooner.
After reading it, you will never look at your surroundings the same way again. You will be able to immediately interpret certain actions and adapt to any situation.
Communication will become much easier and you will have a better perception of people.
Here is some of the information you will find inside:
The 5 secrets to know if you are interested in a person – Page 8
How to detect if someone agrees with you – Page 9
How to know what a person is thinking - Page 11
How to tell if someone is hiding or keeping a secret – Page 16
The 9 tips to tell if someone is bored with you. Even if it makes you think otherwise – Page 16
Inspire “self-confidence” to impress and influence those around you – Page 19
The attitude to easily manipulate others – Page 21
If you are not aware of these movements… (see page 21), you will inspire distrust
Detect the premises of anger in order to soften the tensions before the "explosion" - Page 21
The 5 signals you should beware of indicating distrust in yourself – Page 25
The fatal gesture that betrays the true intention of people – Page 27
The 7 tips to know if a person wants to be reassured. – Page 27
How to know if someone is lying to you – Page 29
The technique to be appreciated and trusted – Page 33
How to make lots of friends with the technique of… Explanation page 33
What you absolutely need to say to help your loved ones – Page 35
Influencing someone you know from a distance. Ideal for professional and sentimental life – Page 36
How to break through a person's mental defenses to accept your suggestions. Secret not to be revealed please!!! – Page 36
How to Take the Dominant Position (Even Against Your Boss) in Negotiations to Give You a Winning Advantage – Page 39
How to create impact from the first meeting with a simple gesture – Page 40
What to do in the first 10 seconds of an interview (crucial in selling) – Page 43
The 6 secrets to boost your sales – Page 44
Actions to avoid at all costs that break the customer's trust and abort the sale – Page 44
The 5 tips to counter any objection from your client – Page 46
Why body language is the key to success in a job interview – Page 50
The most important point before the interview – Page 51
How to create a favorable impression from the first seconds of the job interview – Page 51
This simple movement of the upper body gives considerable “weight” to persuade your interlocutor – Page 52
Why your arms can ruin your job interview and how to avoid it - Page 52
The 4 gestures to avoid during an interview – Page 53
How to recognize the signs of annoyance of your interlocutor to change strategy – Page 54
Why body language is the key to non-verbal seduction – Page 60
The 6 tips of advertising professionals to seduce anyone – Page 60
The 5 secrets to being attractive and attracting the opposite sex – Page 61
How to Read a Woman's Eyes to Know if She's Interested in You - Page 63
The signs that show that a woman is in an attitude of seduction – Page 63
How to know if a man is interested in a woman – Page 64
The 4 phrases to break the ice and start a conversation with a stranger – Page 64
And many other revelations!
Until quite recently, verbal language was only used in politics and in professional circles (sales, management, recruitment, etc.)
Now you can have access to all these secret techniques that have been kept for a long time by top corporate executives and influential politicians.
Many people believe that the best way to communicate is through speech.
But what they don't know is that verbal communication accounts for only about 10% (or even less) of the means of getting a message across .
Besides, you can never determine the accuracy or sincerity of people by what they say.
In fact, words often don't reflect what people really think or feel. The only solution to determining their true inner feelings and thoughts is by learning the secrets of body language.
In France, the inventor of psychoanalysis understood the power of body language:
"No mortal can keep a secret.
If the lips remain silent,
it's the fingers that speak."
The verbal language (apart from a few rare slips) is completely conscious, the man thinks about what he is going to say. So it's hard to judge someone by their words, they can tell you what you want to hear.
On the other hand, body language is most of the time unconscious and reveals the psychology of the individual. It is therefore much easier to lie with the word than to lie with the body...
It was in 1967 that the researcher at the University of California, Albert Mehrabian, highlighted the impact of body language through two studies.
These findings have revolutionized body communication systems. Non-verbal language represents 93% of an individual's judgment and breaks down as follows:
Words represent only 7% of the power of conviction
Which went against all the beliefs of the time. Words are a tiny part of the means of communication .
In 1981, researchers wanted to know to what extent body language intervened in a discussion.
They observed for 4 minutes the gestures of 45 couples in a café. And they recorded 1,369 gestures.
The result ? - 73% of the gestures produced were gestures which therefore had no relation to the subjects of conversation (scratching, handling the hair, an object, etc.) and which often betrayed the true thoughts and concerns of the couples. Marc Alain Descamps, Body language and body communication, 1993
Their unconscious was speaking for the duration of the verbal conversation…
By using this language, you will therefore have a considerable advantage in human relationships and to succeed in your life.
If you order right away, you will receive:

You will receive each technique recorded in MP3 - or virtual CD - so that each sentence, each word is impregnated in your subconscious.
With the strength of repetition you will be able to automatically decode the gestures that betray your surroundings.
6 exciting recordings said by the author:
read the signs
The mirror attitude to attract others to you
How to Negotiate in All Areas of Life
How to become a great salesperson
Increase your chances of getting a job
how to seduce
2nd gift
Accept to receive a preview of "The Power of Mental Commands" by Theron Q. Dumont. It has finally been translated into French. I have the text that was just delivered to me by my translator. It's a mind-boggling book.
He reveals:
The Almost "Supernatural" Power of Mental Command
The cause of failure - and how to avoid it - PAGE 4
How to put the most powerful power in the world at our service - PAGE 6
How to Order Success - PAGE 8
How to Command Wealth - PAGE 9
“The success you achieve through your mental commands will benefit all who come in contact with you. It will provide them with employment; it will enable them to provide for their families; it will bring health where disease once reigned. It will give you the power to extend your help to those in need. In a nutshell, it will not only make possible your own success, but it will also open up, as you succeed, new opportunities to do the good which, without this success, would be entirely beyond your reach ." - PAGE 12
How to attract successful people to be more successful yourself - PAGE 17
The Ancient Chinese Secret to Avoiding Negative Reviews - PAGE 18
Which places facilitate Mental Commands - and their fulfillment - PAGE 22
How to DARE and achieve what others consider impossible - PAGE 27
The secret to instantly freeing yourself from fear (fear of lack, fear of poverty, fear of illness, etc.) - PAGE 29
How to become invincible, even if your enemies are numerous - PAGE 31
How to have an indefinable hold on your friends and associates, a power by which you influence others - PAGE 33
How to send mental commands by mail - PAGE 34
How leaders maintain their influence, power and control over their employees, even if they are smarter or more competent than them - PAGE 37
How to Develop Higher Strengths - PAGE 44
The secret to almost instantly increasing your mental power by 30% - PAGE 43
What you can do to triple your mastery and influence over others - PAGE 44
How To Move Your Business Faster - PAGE 48
The BIG SECRET of self-confidence - PAGE 49
The power that power that influences others, that inspires their confidence, that draws them to you, that makes them believe what you say - PAGE 69
What will make your eyes shine, illuminate your face, give spring and dynamism to your gait, strength and vigor to your movements -PAGE 55
This book of personal inspiration is at the origin of many successes of American businessmen. It had never been translated into French.
It reveals how to formulate a mental command . It gives you, for the first time, the laws of mental commands that come true automatically.
I offer you its translation in word format if you immediately order "How to Decrypt Body Language".
Perhaps you will close this web page without taking advantage of this opportunity, out of mistrust, out of doubt...
But tomorrow, when you need it, on the beach, on the street, in your office or in front of an important client, it will be too late, this offer will no longer be available.
Body language is very easy to learn. You can immediately apply the advice of this method, either with your friends, your parents or your spouse, whom you will see in a different light.
But beware ! Store it in an inconspicuous place so that no one falls on it, because it could backfire on you. This is not a Practical Guide to put in all hands...
365 days , satisfied or refunded.
If this book doesn't bring you all the promised secrets and a whole lot more, I'll refund you unconditionally immediately.
What are you risking?
Nothing ! At best you will become a more attractive person and your company will be sought after.
At worst, you won't lose a penny if you're not satisfied with this Practical Guide. All you have to do is request your refund to receive your money back -- and you can keep the 2 free and permanent gifts.

Cyril Godefroy
Internet publisher
PS Don't let someone else take your place. If you are not the one using these tools, it will be the person in front of you...