To you who are drowned in billions of information,
Have you ever not known where to start when doing your revisions, when launching a project, or simply to move forward towards a goal that is close to your heart ?
Have you ever learned lessons for hours and days and finally discovered that you didn't know anything on the day of the exam?
Have you ever spent minutes, even hours, in front of a job to be completed within a certain time frame without having the motivation to get to work?
Finally, do you sometimes have the impression of being drowned in an immense sea of information without being able to master it?
Well, I have great news for you ...
After reading each sentence of this letter, these problems can once and for all be swept away, settled, gone!
Yes definitely!
Or I'll pay you back.

It's curious, but I take out my old papers since a few weeks...
My many sheets (from 5 to 10 pages) of shots notes now turn into Mind Maps SUPER POWERFUL that just fit on small boxes.
1 - A HUGE gain in my ranking. 2 - An easier review of my notes with a simple a look. 3 - Faster memorization just by following the advice from Florent.
Really, his technique is worth seeing, even for those who left the school benches a long time ago. To memorize in an intelligent way...
I recommend !
Stephane B. Guillemot http://www.retrouvezdetete.com
But read on, I have some shocking truths to tell you...
"How a little girl who was given the lowest Intelligence Quotient in her school managed to develop it to 160..."
A young girl, Barbara, had been ranked as the high school girl with the lowest IQ her school had ever recorded…
A few months later, once we took the time to explain to her how to learn , she reached an IQ of 160 and passed her exams among the best results in her high school…
Along the same lines, Pat, a young American high school student who was wrongly "classified" as a student with learning difficulties, stated: "I had no difficulties in learning, I had not been taught how to learn. ! »
And indeed after having followed the method that you will discover in a moment, it was ranked among the best in its class…
Why did I want you to read these 2 stories?
Keep reading, I tell you everything…
“The Incredible Discovery
of our 2 cerebral hemispheres”
Roger Sperry, Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery, showed that the 2 halves of our brain do not work in the same way.
Language in particular is mainly processed in the left hemisphere, which is then called the dominant hemisphere.
It is also he who counts, who reasons logically, etc.
The right hemisphere is the seat of artistic emotions, intuition, vision and spatial skills. When you look at a face, for example, your right hemisphere kicks in.
But there is a problem.
Our teaching system is based primarily on the left hemisphere to the detriment of the right.
- The school system teaches us things but it forgets one essential thing is to teach us how to learn!
- It is essential that you use both brains harmoniously to be able to memorize or complete any objective without problems! You then multiply your mental faculties and use all the potential of your brain.
“Discover, for the first time, the mind map system and unleash the potential buried inside your brain”
Florent Pauchet uses this system in his studies and he declares: "I can tell you that it works very well".
He decided to write a book that reveals all the secrets of the mind map system so that you too can understand how your brain works and how to benefit from it.
Our 2 brains, right and left, have very specific functions! To memorize any information, it is crucial that the 2 brains work in harmony .
This is what the first part of the system
reveals to you :
How your brain actually works and how to benefit from it in your studies
how the structure of our nerve cells has made it possible to design a tool that blends perfectly with our memory and our thoughts
Find out which are the "6 friends" of your memory and multiply your memory capacity by 10!
Why are images so powerful? I reveal to you the mystery hidden behind the power of images.
What are these memory and organization problems?
Discover the 3 problems that are preventing you from moving forward… If you become aware of these 3 problems, you are already 50% of the way towards their disappearance …
After discovering these disruptive elements, you will be ready to create your own mind maps.
But I'm not talking about simple lifeless, linear mind maps (“mind map” is a synonym for “mind map” just like its English for “mind map”)
You will discover the true secrets of an effective mind map ...
Ok, I want to test your system
“Learn how to create your own mind maps with the Memory and Goals System Part II”
A scientific study has shown that most of us use only 5% of our brain capacity ...
When I discovered this figure I was both surprised but above all frustrated!
Most of our problems stem from the misuse of our abilities...
The following system perfectly combines the balanced use of your two brains with the possibilities you possess.
Those who use it report time savings in their work of around 20%!
Would you like to know ...
How to set up your mind map effectively
The 5 fundamental principles of the mind map: neglect one and your map will dramatically lose its effectiveness
How the idea association allows an exponential multiplication of your creativity and your memorization ?
The 6 key tips for successful all your mind maps
How to organize your mind map and remember it more easily?
Develop your personal style and memorize your mental map for the long term?
What is surprising about this system are its many possible applications… After discovering the key elements of a successful mind map, you will be able to apply these secrets in almost any area of your life that you want to see a improvement…
"Congratulations for the clarity of your explanations.
It really is suitable for everyone."

I find your mental maps extraordinary and by thinking carefully we can use them for all our objectives, our sub-objectives, for business sales letter to learn of course...
Surprising, it is really an important help to retain in memory but also to create... In fact it's unlimited, you just have to have ideas and you can use them for everything.
I think that by dint of using it we will find other areas in which to apply them. Congratulations also for the clarity of your explanations. It's really suitable for everyone.
Anne-Marie Habary
Show me this system, I want to download it
Read on and discover, exclusively, the applications of the mind map…
"How the mind map will allow you to take notes efficiently, to achieve your goals, to succeed in your projects, to be sure of yourself during oral presentations..."
Did you know that any note-taking must necessarily be preceded by mental preparation…?
Indeed, effective note taking requires preparation and steps to follow …
How does the initial stage increase your comprehension and assimilation capacities ?
The 2 essential elements necessary for active listening to your interlocutor during his presentation
The importance of images in your note taking
How will the technique of association of ideas allow you to save a lot of time when proofreading your notes ?
But wait a moment! It doesn't end there, your mental map will allow you to achieve all your goals easily and quickly .
Have you ever felt discouraged along the way when you wanted so badly to reach your goal?
Most people who fail are those who have not planned in advance a clear and effective action plan that allows them to visualize the direction to follow and the result of the efforts made...
In the "Memory and Purpose" method you will learn ...
How do you prepare well so that you don't get lost in your main objective ?
How to create your own mind map with these few basic rules
The key elements to put on your mind map
A unique technique that will motivate you because you will clearly SEE your evolution!
Do you have a project to carry out, or do you plan to carry out one soon?
That's good, here's what the mind map will bring you:
How do you communicate your ideas clearly and effectively to all the people who will participate in your project?
Discover the example of the realization of a project to develop a new marketing strategy through a detailed mind map + the mind map offered.
Inside the ebook "The Complete Method of Mind Mapping: Memory and Objectives" you will discover...
How to use the mind map to visualize the different elements of your mailing
The 8 main elements of your mailing
From the catchphrase to the Bonuses, you will be able to present your offer in an irresistible way and why not "beat" your competitors thanks to the formidable application of the mental map!
A concrete and practical example of the application of the method for the sale of a marketing course + the detailed mind map offered
Apply these tips for your mailings or advertising texts and stand out from the crowd!
I can't afford to miss this opportunity,
i want your system right now
But this system still has many other surprises in store for you ...
"Success all your reports, your reading sheets - quickly - by following these steps..."
Surely you have already faced these problems ...
You need to read a book, a course, an ebook and report it quickly! However, you think you will never succeed and you can't find the strength to start reading...
No more worries...
How to prepare your readings to retain the essentials
How to increase your reading speed with tips from François Richaudeau's speed reading method
Gather the key ideas from your readings on your mind map and save valuable time when writing your reports
"Don't stress anymore during interviews or oral presentations, the mind map supports you and boosts your self-confidence"
Have you ever had that awkward feeling when you had to get up and speak in front of a crowd of people you didn't even know?
Have you ever dreaded a job interview? The fear of being lost and confused, of not convincing your future employer …?
Or quite simply in high school, during your schooling, were you ever confronted with the need to present an oral report ?
If you recognize yourself in any of these situations, read on, here is an effective method to make these problems disappear and speak in front of an enthusiastic audience… .
Inside the book you can find…
How to follow your guiding thread throughout your presentation without ever getting lost.
How to find information quickly and at a glance using your mind map.
How to learn to do without your notes by visualizing your mind map…
And much more…
“Ok, but how much will I have to invest to acquire this complete method? »
Florent Pauchet has spent many hours researching techniques that blend harmoniously with mental mapping.
His reading and research made him discover things he did not even suspect existed; the brain is so complex and mysterious , that's why he decided to study it closely.
He cannot put precise figures on the number of hours spent reading and in his research... But one thing is certain, they are well worth the price of a personal session (coaching) to learn mind map techniques .
Some people charge a day dedicated to learning the techniques he reveals to you in his book at more than 200 euros…
He does not even ask you for a quarter of the price of these sessions: indeed, he has decided to offer you his system at the exceptional price of:
€47.00 only!
Why such a price?
1. He wants to allow access to as many people as possible.
As many readers as possible should be able to try the method without risk.
2. As the system is also aimed at students , he also wants to allow them to acquire it for a very reasonable budget ...
“Why do they give you the option to try the system for 30 days and ask for a refund if it doesn't work for you? »
I give the floor to Florent Pauchet:
" I have decided to give a rock solid guarantee to allow you to try my system. I am so confident in the power of the techniques revealed in this book that I have decided to allow you to try everything for 365 long days. A whole year!
If you are not satisfied with the results after applying one of the methods in this book, I will issue you a full refund, immediately and without any discussion!
I care about my reputation and my interest is YOUR satisfaction."

Request your book today, and start uncovering the secrets within minutes.
« Place an order now
and get these 5 bonuses »
Access these 5 bonuses with your ebook : "The Complete Method on the mental map: Memory and Objectives"
Bonus # 1 : A new video: "Application of the Mind Map to note taking" duration: 4.28 minutes
+ The associated mental map offered.
Discover in this new video the essential principles for effective note taking. A short video but extremely rich in valuable information.
Bonus # 2: A new video: "How to achieve your goals quickly and easily using the mind map" duration: 4.09 minutes
+ its associated mental map offered.
A clear and concise video that shows you step by step the steps to follow to create your own mind map and quickly reach your goals. Efficiency guaranteed!
Bonus #3: An Exclusive video: "How to apply the mind map method to boost copywriting methods "
Exclusively , you have access to a video that shows you step by step how to write your mailings easily thanks to the use of the mental map...
Bonus # 4: An Exclusive video by Christian Godefroy: "How to create a unique product that will make your fortune with the mind map "
Exclusively , you have access to a video that shows you step by step how to create a product and make it a success easily thanks to the use of the mind map...
Bonus # 5: PC or Mac computer mind map creation software
Whether you have a Mac or a PC - and even on UNIX - you can use the prodigious power of the mind map system with your computer. Not a penny more to pay.
I don't know how long these bonuses will be accessible, they alone are worth 10 times the price of the method...
Ok, I follow you, I want the method and my Bonuses today, I click here.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today, I don't promise you that the price will be the same tomorrow or the day after and that these Bonuses are still available with this offer.
Click here and request your copy of the “Complete Mind Map System + 5 Bonuses”
I wish you all the happiness and success in your life.

Christian H. Godfrey
Author of "The Mental Dynamics"
PS: Don't forget the "concrete guarantee" that we give you at the request of Florent Pauchet. You have no risk to take , you test the method for 365 days and if you are not satisfied, I will refund you without discussion immediately.
Plus, you keep all bonuses , even if you ask for a refund. I am so confident in the effectiveness of the method.
Ok, I'm not taking any risks, I want to test your system now.
PPS: I don't know how I decided for the moment to give away these exclusive bonuses for free when I could very well sell them separately. But one thing is certain is that you have the possibility of having them now without no additional costs so click here and reserve your copy of the system accompanied by the 5 Bonuses
Copyright © 2009 Florent Pauchet, and Christian Godefroy
Information note: this method, property of Florent Pauchet, is marketed on this site by Christian Godefroy with the authorization of Florent Pauchet. Christian Godfrey
is the legal owner of a license to resell the mind map method acquired from Florent Pauchet.